Finding the Right Coding Program

Coding has a different contextual understanding than programming and mainly involves writing code within a computer program such as Java or Python. In contrast, programming consists of a human using the application to perform work with a device without needing to write or understand the executing program. For example, I can program a microwave oven to pop popcorn or program a smartphone’s operating system to open and close an Internet-connected door lock.

What are the current software trends for writing programs for 2019?

Before finding the right developer programs, I would research the latest trends in the software industry as of 2019 and beyond. Learning to code program languages based on these trends will protect me from studying obsolete programs and enhance my value for employment. Currently, these trends involve web development, desktop applications, and mobile and game development. Specific examples are:

  • Progressive Web Apps – They work offline and adapt to native device capabilities
  • Front end Frameworks – They assist in reducing routine development coding
  • Cross-platform apps – Since 1/3 of US buyers possess all three major mobile devices, I need to make applications to synchronize with all three digital gadgets.
  • Serverless Applications – Nuclio would let me use the cloud to control my work and prevent waste of funds and resources.
  • Primary supporting cloud providers of serverless applications are:
    • AWS
    • Microsoft Azure
    • Google Cloud
  • Machine Learning – AI uses data to enhance my users’ wants and needs:
    • Customer Service Chatbots
    • Voice Search
    • Cybersecurity
  • Augmented Reality and Gaming VR – Mall stores can add virtual dressing rooms on mobile devices.
  • Blockchain Technology – Web developers and large tech companies are beginning to acknowledge the advantages of distributed ledgers which provide extra security while authenticating thousands of transactions instantaneously

Other significant web development trends include CSS variables or custom properties, educational content, ambient and freeform design, and so on.

Top 9 program languages to learn from current software trends

Now that I have some of the critical trends in mind, I now want to know which of the variety of developer programs is best for beginners such as myself. The first is JavaScript, and here’s why.

Primarily for front end development, JavaScript’s popularity for coding by developers is from 6 years in a row according to a 2018 survey. In fact, in 2018, about 65% of them have used JavaScript for current projects. JavaScript’s popularity is derived from its flexible syntax and availability for use with the most popular browsers. Additionally, JavaScript can work on servers with JavaScript server software.

Second, Python is a user-friendly, clear, intuitive, general-purpose program that is like English. And, according to Stack Overflow, 41% of developers have migrated to this powerful and versatile program. Python’s variety of applications includes scientific computing, machine learning, and engineering. I would learn to code Python’s simple functions and variables as well as limited interrogating in class definitions.

Third, another beginner’s favorite is Java, which has been one of the most popular developer languages of the past two decades. As an object-oriented program, Java’s objects are internally self-contained. Likewise, as a beginner, I would find Java easier to learn instead of C developer programs. Java’s independent platform and can be written on all devices ranging from smartphones to ATMs to programmable logic controllers. Finally, the Android operating system is based on Java as well as 90% of fortune 500 companies’ back-end applications.

It is hard to believe that C was created in the 1970s and is the fourth most popular program in use today. Several other programs are derived from it or its syntax. These are:

• CPP – a hybrid of C
• Java
• Linux OS
• C ++ – mainly for VR, video games, digital graphical objects and so on
• C #
• Objective C – primarily for higher-level applications, i.e., Apple OS X and iOS

The fifth program, PHP, is currently used by almost 83% of websites globally. PHP, as one of the server scripting languages, creates HTML web pages. I already like PHP since I can learn it for free as a novice programmer. Similarly, PHP can create activating Internet text and digital media WordPress’ web page content.

Swift is the sixth user-friendly, open-source, compiled program language derived from Objective-C. For beginners, Swift is designed by apple to be more secure, easier, faster to develop every variety of apple software such as:

• macOS
• iOS and iPadOS
• watchOS
• tvOS
• z/OS
• Linux
• Objective-C applications

Similarly, Swift requires less code than Objective-C and is more fun and friendly when learning to code.

The seventh popular developer program is C-sharp C#, a powerful, object-oriented program developed by Microsoft in 2000. A C-sharp programmer codes desktop and Windows 8/10 applications through the required .NET framework. Learning C# features for beginners include checking for errors before compiling into an application with additional specialized software that makes C# compatible with all devices. Likewise, C# can also work with:

• Internet apps
• Computer apps
• Virtual Reality, two dimensional and three-dimensional games

The eighth program, Ruby, was developed in Japan in the mid-1990s as an open-source, dynamic program focused on simplicity, productivity, high-level English languages, and no hard rules. Ruby was designed for simplifying software development, making it more fun and accessible when combined with the Ruby on Rails.

Finally, the ninth popular developer program is SQL (es-que-el), Structured Query Language, and is used for the storage and retrieval of information located in databases. SQL is also used across Internet applications to keep data precise, secure, and maintain databases integrity.

Eight best & free websites to develop programs for beginners

I like free and quality and learning and so here I am checking out the best beginning developer program websites These include:

  • GitHub – free books covering over 80 different program languages, social platforms like linked-in, numerous projects, and open-source codes
  • Codecademy – over 45 million users have learned to program with online courses such as JavaScript, CSS, Python, and more
  • Treehouse – Currently over 1,000 free high-quality tutorial videos including web design, website development
  • Udemy – an online learning platform offering 80,000 online program courses, including web development, UX design, UI development, and iOS development. Some courses are free while others charge a fee
  • No5 is Coursera is a free online learning platform for everyone from beginner to tech to computer science majors and include programs such as Python, Java, HTML, and CSS, C languages
  • No 6 is Khan Academy – a non-profit educational website where you can learn to program with YouTube videos
  • No7 is W3Schools is a free educational website for learning from comprehensive web developmental tutorials and references with a wide range of courses like HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, SQL, Asp, and JSP
  • No eight is EdX is one of the leading online learning platforms giving beginners access to hundreds of free computer science courses from universities and tech professors including HTML and CSS, Java, jQuery, C++, Python